Discover the Rich History of Cattle Ranching in the State of Florida

When you think of cowboys, and vast herds of cattle grazing freely over the open grass, the first State you probably think of, is Texas right?  Texas has a robust history and reputation for producing great quality beef and a rich culture of ranching, but did you know that the very first cattle ranches were actually established in Florida?

It’s true. And perhaps as a state we haven’t done the best job embracing the rich heritage of our agricultural community and cattle industry, but that is starting to change.  The family behind Florida Raised beef products has been a partner in developing and processing quality meat products for over 100 years.  Right here at home, in Florida.

With Florida Raised, we want to be a positive contributor to improving the awareness and appreciation for our Florida cattlemen.  There is so much history and pride that has gone into sustaining one of Florida’s most valuable exports.  We know that when people think about Florida, they consider beautiful beaches, abundant wildlife and of course, theme parks and outdoor fun.  But let’s learn a little bit more about our culture and the heritage behind the Florida beef industry.

Spanish Colonials and The Introduction of Andalusian Beef to America

When Spain sought to colonize the United States, the country landed on Florida and immediately determined that the unique climate and abundant green space was ideal for raising cattle.  When Juan Ponce de Leon arrived in 1521, he brought Spanish Andalusian cattle with him in order to supply food for his growing settlement of Spanish colonists.  However, when he was forced to retreat (he returned to Cuba) he left the settlements and much of the community supplies behind as well.

What happened to all the cattle? Historians believe that they were simply released and free to graze and propagate in Florida. Catholic missions and private Spanish settlers that remained, also began to raise and tend their own herds.  Given the unfenced and natural grazing required for the cattle, the owners were required to brand each animal to identify ownership.

Many of the most internationally recognized American breeds of cattle are direct descendants from the first cows and calves introduced by Ponce de Leon, in Florida during the occupation of 1521.

The Florida Cracker Cowboys

Since the early 19th century, the Florida Crackers have been partners with other ranchers from Seminoles to African Americans and ranchers from Latin America.   They have been a dominant leader in cattle ranching, and they originated from Scotland and Ireland, sharing their strong Celtic roots and agricultural experience in our state.

In the early days, Florida cattle ranchers were almost exclusively in the cow-calf business. Since our environmental weather and climate is not conducive for grain production and other types of hay that cattle require for foraging, historically they were specialized in breeding and propagating huge herds of cattle, which would then be finished in other Western states.

The origin of the name “Florida Crackers” has been disputed historically, but many believe it was because of the sound of the long bull whip cracking, as cowboys gathered and drove their herds to new grassland.  Florida Crackers had to keep large herds of cattle moving constantly, and with the help of their whip and some skilled cattle dogs, were able to navigate herds from hundreds of head of cattle to thousands.   The job was never ending, as without fences Florida Crackers were constantly ‘on the hunt’ for stray cows and calves.

A second whimsical source of the term “Cracker” referenced the Cracker cowboys who also distilled their own liquor from cracked barley and corn.  Something that was of course illegal, but still widely practiced in the early days of the Florida cattle frontier, and also a strong part of the rich heritage of Florida’s original cowboy, the Florida Cracker.

Present Day Cattle Ranching in Florida

Did you know that while millions of tourists are visiting Disney World, they are within one hour of Florida’s largest cattle ranch.  The Kempfer Ranch has been owned and privately operated by the family for six generations, over the past 116 years.  The 25,000-acre ranch is near Deer Park, and currently manages 2,500 head of Brahman beef, and the ranch has been operational since 1898 and part of the rich heritage of the cattle industry in the State of Florida.

That is just one of many examples of multigenerational farms that have been proud to produce a legacy of culture and quality beef in our state.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture shared these statistics about the Florida beef and ranching industry in 2017:

·         Florida ranked 13th in the country in beef cattle with an overall inventory of 908,000 cattle in the state, or approximately 2.9% of America’s beef livestock.

·         In 2016 there were 810,000 new calves born in the State of Florida.  Florida is currently ranked 16th in new calf production, accounting for 2.6% of all new calves produced in the country.

One of the things that many residents of Florida (and other states) many not realize about the importance of grass-fed cattle ranching, is the important role it plays in land conservation and environmental stewardship.

In an article for Farm Flavor, lifetime Rancher Henry Kempfer shared about the deep connection that cattle ranchers share with their land and the environment, and why ranchers are motivated to protect the grassland from modern day threats, like pollution and urban sprawl.

“We’ve proven we can be here and take care of our land,” he says. “Our No. 1 source of income is cattle. We rely on our land to make an income. If we don’t take care of it, it’s not going to be there for future generations to say the same thing.”

What was our inspiration for creating the Florida Raised brand?  We wanted to develop a new brand of beef products that embraces the rich culture of cattle ranching in Florida, while providing quality locally raised beef exclusively available for Florida residents. 

·         Raised with love in Florida

·         Trucked exclusively within the State by local cartage providers

·         Processed in Miami

Look for our Florida Raised ground beef in your meat section.  Our products are hormone and antibiotic free and contain no artificial preservatives. Shop local and support the Florida economy and our cattle ranching heritage, by choosing Florida Raised premium beef.